Book Uli Borowka - Volle Pulle

SKU: 25-54035
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Material: Paperback
Size: approx. 12,5 x 19 cm
Capacity: 320 pages
Product Details

He was able to hide his double life as a professional footballer and alcoholic from fans and the public for years.
It was not until two years after his retirement from the Bundesliga in 2000 that he managed to kick his alcohol addiction after four months of inpatient therapy.

In his typically direct and uncompromising manner, Borowka talks about alcohol and football, friends and enemies, disappointments and support. He spares nothing. Least of all himself.

Custom Characteristics:

  • Biography of the Werder legend Uli Borowka
  • Written by the author Alex Raack

Manufacturer details


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