Book Arnd Zeigler-Traumfußball

SKU: 21-54021
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Size: approx. 14,3 x 20,1 cm
Capacity: 272 pages
Product Details

Arnd Zeigler, born 1965, is an author, columnist and host. Most Werder fans, however, will know him as the stadium announcer of his favourite club SV Werder Bremen or from his weekly TV and radio show "Zeiglers wunderbare Welt des Fußballs". 

In his new book "Traumfußball, Wie unser Lieblingsspiel uns alle mehr Spaß machen kann" (Dream Football, How our favourite game can make us all even more fun) Ziegler writes about how a hobby should not make people angry or discourage you. And how football can do exactly these things.

But why do so many people still have such a passion for football? According to Arnd Zeigler the answer is quite simple. It´s hope. He says that we are addicted, without hope we are lost. But we are many. And we are never alone in the pain and grief. Nor are we alone in success. If everything ever goes well, we are suddenly the much sung about strangers lying in each other's arms.

Such and other observations, as well as a list of rather unpopular football truths, such as "In 18 of 18 fan curves of the Bundesliga, the fans consider themselves "the best fans in the league". In 17 cases (= 94.4%) they are wrong", you will find in the 272 page book published since October 2020. 

Custom Characteristics:

  • written by Arnd Zeigler
  • 272 pages

Manufacturer details


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