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Book My first Werder bookBook My first Werder book

SKU: 22-54025
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Capacity: 20 pages
Product Details

Early practice is the key to becoming a Werder fan. To raise the offspring to become one, you can not start early enough. That's why this 20-page colorful cardboard picture book is the ideal gift to welcome the offspring into the Werder family.

Green-white fun for the little ones. Diamond logo, stadium, players, ball, flag, bus - in clear, child-friendly drawings, "My first Werder book" shows the buggy driver everything that should be known as a true Werderaner. So there is no longer any doubt for which club the little ones' hearts beat. A colorful fun on thick cardboard, which is also a funny gift for Werder beginners far from diaper age ... Lifelong green-white!

Simply the perfect gift for the smallest of all Werder fans. Welcome to the Werder family: This shows the offspring from the beginning of his club connection to SV Werder Bremen. So it is easy to show his love for the club.

Custom Characteristics:

  • 20 colored cardboard pages

Manufacturer details


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