WerderVision BLITZ-Contest #16

Dieses Thema im Forum "Archiv - Werder Vision Song Contest / WVSC" wurde erstellt von SkankinPenguin, 1. Juni 2020.

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  1. SkankinPenguin


    So in einer Viertelstunde geht es los ...

    Berliner69, Werderphilipp96 und andy0606 gefällt das.

    BOWLINGEFO Moderator WVSC Sieger 282, 283, 285

    @HevyDevy. Bei meinen Bewertungen habe ich noch nie irgendein Lied KOMPLETT gehört. Das brauche ich auch nicht weil ich bestimmte Kriterien an ein Lied habe. Wenn ein Kriterium davon erfüllt wird kommt es in die engere Auswahl. Dabei spielt es KEINE Rolle ob das Lied 2 Minuten oder eine Stunde dauert !

    Da sich in allen Liedern die Refrains usw. wiederholen macht es für MICH generell keinen Sinn ein Lied komplett anzuhören, weil es an meinem Urteil, ob es Punkte bekommt, eh nichts ändert.

    Lg EFO
  3. SkankinPenguin


    Kann’s losgehen?

  4. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 1/17 · BOWLINGEFO

    12 Teknova - Katyusha 2k19
    10 Frozen Plasma - Warmongers
    08 Meat Loaf - Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    07 Robert Görl & DAF - Ich Denk An Dich
    06 Alice In Chains - Would?
    05 The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
    04 kent - Klåparen
    03 Arkhè - The Grey Falcon
    02 Falling In Reverse - „Popular Monster“
    01 Soliness - Skygaze


    1grant12Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    2schlö10Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    3Cyril8Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    4Svart7Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    5kymb6Alice In Chains – Would?
    6SkaP5The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    7Berlin4kent – Klåparen
    8Xary3Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    9WP962Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    10OFW1Soliness – Skygaze
    11Hevy0Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    11EFO0Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    11Quasi0Live – Ghost
    11andy0Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    11Lotte0Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    11oglutz0Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    11neum0Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    Xaryna und grantler_97 gefällt das.
  5. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 2/17 · oglutz

    12 kent – Klåparen
    10 Live – Ghost
    08 Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    07 Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    06 Alice In Chains – Would?
    05 Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    04 Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    03 The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    02 Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    01 Soliness – Skygaze


    1Berlin16kent – Klåparen
    2kymb12Alice In Chains – Would?
    2grant12Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    4WP9610Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    4schlö10Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    4Quasi10Live – Ghost
    7Cyril8Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    7SkaP8The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    9EFO7Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    9Svart7Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    11Xary5Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    11Lotte5Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    13andy4Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    14OFW2Soliness – Skygaze
    15Hevy0Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    15oglutz0Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    15neum0Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
  6. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 3/17 · HevyDevy

    12 Live – Ghost
    10 Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    08 Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    07 Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    06 Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    05 kent – Klåparen
    04 The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    03 Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    02 Alice In Chains – Would?
    01 Soliness – Skygaze


    1Quasi22Live – Ghost
    2Berlin21kent – Klåparen
    3Lotte15Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    4kymb14Alice In Chains – Would?
    5Xary13Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    5schlö13Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    7grant12Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    7SkaP12The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    9WP9610Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    9andy10Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    11Cyril8Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    12EFO7Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    12oglutz7Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    12Svart7Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    15OFW3Soliness – Skygaze
    16Hevy0Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    16neum0Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    Berliner69, Xaryna und andy0606 gefällt das.
  7. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 4/17 · Xaryna

    12 Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    10 Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    08 Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    07 Alice In Chains – Would?
    06 kent – Klåparen
    05 Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    04 Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    03 Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    02 Live – Ghost
    01 The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking


    1Berlin27kent – Klåparen
    2schlö25Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    3Quasi24Live – Ghost
    4kymb21Alice In Chains – Would?
    5oglutz17Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    6WP9615Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    6Lotte15Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    8Xary13Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    8SkaP13The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    10Cyril12Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    10grant12Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    12EFO10Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    12andy10Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    14Hevy8Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    15Svart7Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    16OFW3Soliness – Skygaze
    17neum0Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    Berliner69 und BOWLINGEFO gefällt das.
  8. neuman


    Wow, läuft wie gewohnt.
  9. Moin Habe ich mein Ziel schon übertroffen... :D
    Danke :beer:
    Berliner69 gefällt das.
  10. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 5/17 · Berliner69

    12 Punkte THE STROKES
    10 Punkte FROZEN PLASMA
    08 Punkte ROBERT GÖRL & DAF
    06 Punkte SOLINESS
    05 Punkte LIVE
    04 Punkte TEKNOVA
    03 Punkte BELL WITCH
    02 Punkte ALICE IN CHAINS
    01 Punkt ARKHÈ


    1schlö35Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    2Quasi29Live – Ghost
    3Berlin27kent – Klåparen
    4SkaP25The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    5oglutz24Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    6kymb23Alice In Chains – Would?
    7grant16Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    8WP9615Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    8Lotte15Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    8Svart15Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    11Xary14Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    12Cyril12Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    13Hevy11Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    14EFO10Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    14andy10Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    16OFW9Soliness – Skygaze
    17neum0Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    Xaryna gefällt das.
  11. Hätte ich nach drei Sekunden geskippt hättest Du von mir auch Punkte bekommen. Natürlich nach meinen eigenen Kriterien. :D
  12. SkankinPenguin


    Berliner69 und andy0606 gefällt das.
  13. Xaryna

    Xaryna Guest

    Zweistellig, Ziel auch erreicht ;)
  14. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 6/17 · grantler_97

    12 Bell Witch
    10 Kent
    08 Mary Spender
    07 Live
    06 Nothing but Thieves
    05 Donovan
    04 Arkhe
    03 Meat Loaf
    02 The Strokes
    01 Rocket from the Tumbs


    1Berlin37kent – Klåparen
    2Quasi36Live – Ghost
    3schlö35Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    4SkaP27The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    5oglutz24Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    6kymb23Alice In Chains – Would?
    6Hevy23Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    8Lotte21Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    9Xary18Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    9andy18Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    11grant16Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    12EFO15Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    12WP9615Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    12Cyril15Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    12Svart15Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    16OFW9Soliness – Skygaze
    17neum1Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    Xaryna, andy0606 und BOWLINGEFO gefällt das.
  15. Da geht hoffentlich noch was...
  16. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 7/17 · Oberfrankenwerderanerin

    12 kent – Klåparen
    10 Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    08 Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    07 Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    06 The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    05 Alice In Chains – Would?
    04 Live – Ghost
    03 Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    02 Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    01 Arkhè – The Grey Falcon


    1Berlin49kent – Klåparen
    2schlö43Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    3Quasi40Live – Ghost
    4SkaP33The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    5Hevy30Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    6kymb28Alice In Chains – Would?
    7Svart25Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    8Lotte24Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    8oglutz24Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    10Xary19Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    11andy18Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    11grant18Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    13EFO15Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    13WP9615Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    13Cyril15Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    16OFW9Soliness – Skygaze
    17neum1Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    Berliner69, Svartur und Xaryna gefällt das.
  17. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 8/17 · Svartur

    12 Soliness - Skygaze
    10 Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
    08 Alice In Chains - Would?
    07 Live - Ghost
    06 Frozen Plasma - Warmongers
    05 Really Slow Motion - You Will Be This Legend
    04 Donovan - The UNiversal Soldier
    03 Falling In Reverse - Popular Monster
    02 Nothing But Thieves - Ban All The Music
    01 The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking


    1schlö49Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    1Berlin49kent – Klåparen
    3Quasi47Live – Ghost
    4Hevy40Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    5kymb36Alice In Chains – Would?
    6SkaP34The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    7oglutz29Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    8Lotte26Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    9Svart25Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    10OFW21Soliness – Skygaze
    11Xary19Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    11EFO19Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    13WP9618Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    13andy18Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    13grant18Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    16Cyril15Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    17neum1Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    BOWLINGEFO gefällt das.
  18. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 9/17 · neuman

    12 Donovan - The Universal Soldier
    10 Robert Görl & DAF - Ich Denk An Dich
    08 Soliness - Skygaze
    07 The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
    06 kent - Klåparen
    05 Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
    04 Nothing But Thieves - Ban All The Music
    03 Meat Loaf - Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    02 Frozen Plasma - Warmongers
    01 Alice In Chains - Would?


    1Berlin55kent – Klåparen
    2schlö51Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    3Quasi47Live – Ghost
    4Hevy45Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    5SkaP41The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    6kymb37Alice In Chains – Would?
    7Svart35Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    8EFO31Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    9Lotte30Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    10oglutz29Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    10OFW29Soliness – Skygaze
    12Xary19Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    13WP9618Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    13andy18Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    13Cyril18Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    13grant18Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    17neum1Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    BOWLINGEFO und Berliner69 gefällt das.
  19. Für mich läuft es, gut gepunktet beim diesem starken Contest :)
    Berliner69 gefällt das.
  20. SkankinPenguin


    Wertung 10/17 · kymbrium

    12 The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    10 Soliness – Skygaze
    08 Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    07 Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    06 Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    05 Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    04 Live – Ghost
    03 kent – Klåparen
    02 Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    01 Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)


    1Berlin58kent – Klåparen
    2schlö57Frozen Plasma – Warmongers
    3SkaP53The Strokes – The Adults Are Talking
    4Quasi51Live – Ghost
    5Hevy45Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper
    6OFW39Soliness – Skygaze
    7kymb37Alice In Chains – Would?
    7Lotte37Nothing But Thieves – Ban All the Music
    9Svart35Robert Görl & DAF – Ich denk an Dich
    10EFO31Donovan – The Universal Soldier
    11oglutz29Really Slow Motion – You Will Be This Legend
    12WP9626Falling in Reverse – Popular Monster
    13Xary24Arkhè – The Grey Falcon
    14andy19Mary Spender – I Am Not Yours (Live)
    15Cyril18Meat Loaf – Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through
    15grant18Teknova – Katyusha 2k19 (Melbourne Bounce Mix)
    17neum3Rocket from the Tombs – So Cold (Live)
    Berliner69 und andy0606 gefällt das.