Welcome to the English speaking part of the new Werder forum. Where are you from?

Dieses Thema im Forum "International Board" wurde erstellt von BremerAmerikaLine, 24. Juni 2008.

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  1. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest

    And don't forget that as soon as the Tickets for FC Köln are sent out to the fans, you can try to find a ticket here in the forum.

    You'll find threads for that in Tickets & Mitfahrgelegenheiten by that time. You can either look for fans selling their tickets or post a request for tickets.
    I can post the links to the particular threads in here again, when they are on ;)
  2. Hi New to the forum. :svw_schal:
    I am coming to Bremen on 25th November with My family. Dad for his
    70th birthday and 3 of my brothers. I have e-mailed the club and they are saying i have to wait until 10 days before this game is to play to purchase tickets.
    I have checked the ticket situation on the club site and it appears I have just missed out on internet sales 12/09/11 to 18/09/11.
    I require 5 tickets for this game preferably in the standing section.
    Is it true I have to wait so long to confirm if i can get tickets or is there any other way to obtain them.
    I would appreciate any help.
    Thank you :stirn::stirn:
  3. mola23


    Welcome to the board! :)

    Since you people presumably prefer to stick together while watching the game, your only chance is to get 5 tickets for the standing section, which is called Ostkurve at Weserstadium. Chances for getting 5 coherent seats are slim to none.
    Since you missed the official sales on internet, the next best way to get tickets is the Ticket Section here on the board: link. It will be opened about a month before the game with the possiblity to post a request or to reply to an offer. Some users will sell their spare tickets here for the original price plus the charges they had von Werder Bremen.
    If you have any further questions, feel free. :)
  4. Well as you can guess by my username my name is Chris from Manchester.
    Die hard Stockport County fan :wall: but a general football lover!!

    November will be my third trip to Bremen but i've never made a match, just sorting ( trying to ) tickets for the Stuttgart match but have no idea where to sit???

    Love the city and this time i'm dragging along 7 Bremen virgins along with me, plenty of :beer: to be had pre and post match so let me know the best places to celebrate :svw_schal::dance:

  5. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest

    Welcome :beer:
    Well, since the pre-sale for the match has been a while ago, I don't think you have that much choice. There are still tickets one sale, but I don't even know which sections...
    Does anyone know which tickets are still left?

  6. Thanks, had a look last night with help from a German mate, seems to be some going around. South stand lower seem available along with a lot of upper tiers.
  7. WBBryn


    Hi, i'm not sure if I am posting this to the right place, but my name is Bryn, I'm a 19 year old college girl from the US. I've been a Bremen fan since 2007 but just managed to register on the website.

    I'm really glad that there is an international forum. While I have been studying german for awhile, it is always nice to read about the team in a more comfortable language.

    I went to Germany for the first time during the FIFA world cup in 2008. I stopped by Bremen for a little while, but because no one was playing, I was not able to attend a game. Luckily, I will return to Germany to study abroad so I will definitely be making a few trips to see the games.

    Just a little question for anyone who is reading this, is there an official fan club for Werder Bremen in the US? I know we don't focus on soccer as much as the other sports, but I figured I would ask.

    Thanks :) :dance:
  8. killiefan


    Hi Bryn

    Don't know about a US Werder fan club .................so you need to start one! Forget about college for the w/e of 23-26 March so you can come over to Bremen for the International fan w/e


    You'll see that you're not alone in the Us either. Bill (vonlages) is heading over for a week, taking in the 23-26 March. It'd be the perfect way to get your US Werder Bremen fan club started. Bring a friend or two........its gonna be amazing.
  9. Been looking for some time in the us. Haven't found the elusive Werder club yet and most of us Werder fan here are far from each other. West coast east coast and canada. Check out the bigsoccer.com forums for a somewhat local perspective on Werder, you'll also see how spread out we are.

    No better substitute than to see the game live.

    Welcome! :D
  10. killiefan


    Can we assume you've been in touch & told them about the IWF w/e?
  11. Yea I put the notice out with link and all right on th forum

    The guys have been quite on the thus far. I should throw it out there once more. It's a small group
  12. Hey Bill
    Do you have a link to the thread on big soccer about this?
  13. WBBryn


    Hey everyone!

    Sorry, but I cannot go that weekend. I have surgery then. But is this something that happens every year? Next year I will be studying abroad in Germany, so I would really like to attend during that season.

    Vonlages it's really nice to know other people in America recognize good soccer! I will definitely check out that bigsoccer forum!

    Greetings from Kentucky!
  14. mola23


    @WBBryn: Actually the International Werder Day this year is going to be the first one ever! So cancel your surgery! Just kidding. :p

    Where are you going to study? Maybe looking for a Fan Club in the US is hopeless, but you could already make contact to a Fan Club near to your future university?!
  15. WBBryn


    Trust me, between Werder Bremen and Surgery I would always want Bremen.

    Well I tried to study at a location near Bremen, but my University doesn't have any programs that are even close to the city. The choices I have are Munich, Regensburg or Freiburg. I'd have to take trains to get to Bremen, but it would definitely be worth it. The program that will be there longer is Regensburg, so that's what it might have to be.

    Does anyone know how to check for a Regensburg fan club?
  16. Kentucky! :eek:
    I never thought anyone recognized any soccer in Kentucky? :D

    the best with your surgery!
  17. la_mariposa


    Neither here nor there
    Fanclubs are listed on the website, but unfortunately not on the English version. Regensburg has a PLZ (ZIP/area code) starting with 93... so everything starting with that as well would be fairly close. Also check out Nürnberg (Nuremberg), they're the first on the drop down menu for the 90... zip codes. And Munich of course has an active fan club, there might be good train connections from Regensburg.
  18. WBBryn


    Yes, we are few though. And thank you! I'll be in Bremen in spirit!:svw_schal:

    la_mariposa: thank you so much! I'll start looking at the fanclubs!

  19. la_mariposa


    Neither here nor there
    You're welcome :)
    I'm an "Away Fan" as well. It's not quite the same as being able to go and see a match every other weekend, but there is also something nice about it. You usually meet lots of nice people who share your interest through the fanclub and traveling to the matches together becomes something special :) And good luck with your surgery of course.