Markus Rosenberg (Laufbahn beendet)

Dieses Thema im Forum "Ehemalige Werderaner" wurde erstellt von kastemato, 30. Juni 2012.

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  1. Entwerder passt er sich dem an, wobei ich meine Zweifel habe, ob er in seinem Alter sich da noch grundlegend ändern wird, oder er geht unter und man hört in Kürze nüscht mehr von ihm.
    Was auch immer, ich kann kaum in Worte fassen, wie egal mir diese Personalie ist.
  2. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest

    Dann frage ich mich doch, welchen Sinn dein Beitrag hat, wenn er dir sooooo egal ist.
  3. Ich verrat´s Dir: er war eine Antwort/Einschätzung, auf die von "Bremen" gestellte Frage, ob die engl. Härte zu MR passen würde. :kiss:
  4. Wenns dir egal ist halt einfach ganz die Klappe, oder lass diesen letzten Satz weg, weil das einfach nur nervt und komplett unnötig ist.
  5. Auch wenn ich dir im Kern zustimme, dass sich 5vor12 den Kommentar auch sparen kann, deine Wortwahl ist mal wieder absolut unsachlich und unangebracht. Du solltest dich auch anders ausdrücken können.;)
  6. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest

  7. Mimimimimiiiii....:kaffee:
  8. He's a great counter-footballer. His start in Bremen was also very successful. His 2.Saison Rosenberg felled in an energy slump. Than he goes to spain and was finally successful over there. Most recently, he played well and scored enough goals, but he had very bad luck starting the second round with crossbar and post. The Bremen fans are very disappointed that our team played very weak in the last two years, some fans here are looking to blame individual players, therefore, is precisely here that the distinction between "good and bad" as strict. You will receive a class person who is a real team player. As an athlete he is good but not top class. I wish you and him much success.
  9. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest

    Where is this question from?

    Rosenberg is a second Striker, he is quite quick, but not very, he has a good right foot, but not a great one. He is not strong or good at Dribbling. He is average. He will score from time to time and then he will miss. He will have some games in which you won't see him at all and others where he is at least trying.

    He is not a good striker and I won't miss him.
  10. @Maddin

    I think many people are not amused, now.:wild:
  11. R. Dase

    R. Dase

    Rosenberg isn't that bad.
    He is fast, faster than maddin says, his technique is ok with both feet and head. But (and this "but" isn't too small, unfortunately) his is not very assertive. He is not the one to win a match.

    On the other hand he reacts fastly, has a good eye for his colleague, is very busy in a match, working a lot. He is best if he has the space to use his speed.

    As I told, Rosenberg is not the one to win a match. He needs a good team, but if he has he is a good collaborator. (As he was in his first year in Bremen before Micoud left.)
  12. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest

  13. :lol:
  14. Der Einzige, der hier lächerlich ist, bist du.

    Nichts zum Thema beizutragen, aber dämliche Smilies bringen.
  15. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest

    R. Dase is correct. He is even worse, I was polite.

    I hope for all supporters of West Brom that your club has some more strikers and that your success will not depend on Markus Rosenberg. Otherwise you guys might get relegated to the first division.
  16. Ruby


    28205 Bremen
    Dear god.

    Don't worry, maddin has (and has apparently always had) personal problems with Rosenberg and can't miss out on a chance to spread his personal dislike of MR anywhere in this forum...

    What R Dase & fotballskälare says is for the most part close to what I (and most of the others here I suppose) think of M.R.
  17. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest


    Most people I know are happy that we finally got rid of Rosenberg. Except the girlies of course, because the most positive thing I can say about Rosenberg is that he looks pretty. And he seems to be a nice guy, but I don't know him of course.

    I would be pleased to hear some honest opinions about Rosenberg from West Brom supporters after you saw a couple of games. The responses of his fangirls on this board suck.
  18. Ruby


    28205 Bremen
    Oh god, yes, sure thing. Everything I care about is that Rosenberg looks good. Is klar.

    Ich liebe dieses Schubladendenken. Man kann durchaus auch eine positivere Meinung von Rosenberg haben, ohne auf sein Aussehen zu achten. Aber das hast du ja noch nie verstanden. Es kotzt einfach an, dass du nichts besseres zu tun hast, als hier die ganze Zeit nach zu treten, obwohl er nichtmal mehr da ist. Das nervt. :kotz:
  19. gelöscht

    gelöscht Guest

    Meine Güte, ist doch alles halbe Höhe.
  20. Maddin hat doch schon alles richtig geschrieben, brauche ich ja nicht noch einmal wiederholen.