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6651. "Dream final" in German Cup  
…"Dream final" in German Cup Werder Bremen's opponent in the German Cup final on 15 May 2010 in Berlin's Olympic Stadium…  
6652. Minor injuries, but nothing to worry about  
… during team training Wednesday afternoon. Both Werder players were dealing with "small nicks"... Head…  
6653. Only four goals until all-time record!  
…Only four goals until all-time record! Take four, action! Werder's tough schedule over the last nine days heads into…  
6654. Reception for 40 years of Klaus-Dieter Fischer  
… Fischer It must be a very special occurrence for Werder to hold a reception just a few hours before possibly…  
6655. 2-0 victory – Werder reach German Cup final!  
…2-0 victory – Werder reach German Cup final! Werder Bremen reached the final of the German Cup thanks to a 2-0 victory…  
6656. After reaching cup final, Werder want more  
…After reaching cup final, Werder want more Qualification for the Europa League next season is all but certain after…  
6657. Bremen already in Cup final fever  
… fever Looking at the "Cup Fever" t-shirts which Werder players slipped on after their 2-0 victory over…  
6658. Moment of truth for 18-man Werder roster  
…Moment of truth for 18-man Werder roster “We want to reach the final and will not be stopped by anybody along the way –…  
6659. End of season set: Werder-Cologne given top billing  
…End of season set: Werder-Cologne given top billing The German Football League on Tuesday set the exact schedule for…  
6660. Attack: "That is their game, they like to do that a lot"  
… a lot" There is only one step left until Berlin. Werder Bremen are in the German Cup semi-finals for the…  
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