DFL general assembly: Bundesliga season ready to resume

The Bundesliga remains on hold (photo: DFL).
First Team
Thursday, 23.04.2020 / 16:01

A decision on whether or not the Bundesliga will restart is still pending. This was confirmed by Christian Seifert, CEO of the German Football League (DFL) following a meeting of the DFL general assembly, in which all 36 clubs of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 took part. In addition, Seifert clarified that individual politicians were responsible for deciding whether or not to restart the Bundesliga, and that the DFL would wait on that decision being made. A specific start date has not yet been decided on, but the clubs will be ready by that time.

In order to aid politicians in making their decision, the DFL have worked on a concept that details how it would be possible for the season to resume. In addition to the basic principle that games would take place without spectators, this plan also includes the results of the “Sports medicine / special game operations in professional football” task force.

Under the direction of Professor Dr. Tim Meyer, a three-pillar-model has been developed, that is already being implemented and would continue to be so if the season were to go ahead. The DFL are working alongside five accredited laboratories that guarantee nationwide coverage. Additionally, Seifert announced that the DFL will make €500,000 available to be given to the public health service to carry out further testing.

The DFL managing director also spoke on regulations with the media partners. The DFL have made agreements with almost all of the media partners for the current situation. This will also secure the liquidity of all 36 clubs until 30th June 2020. There is a possibility that the league could run into until July, although 30th June 2020 is the intended target. Should there be another break in the season, then repayment regulations would apply.

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