Petersen fit, roster guarantee for Prödl

Nils Petersen on Thursday felt ready for the Leverkusen match. (Photo: nph).
First Team
Thursday, 19.12.2013 / 17:51

Nils Petersen didn't give anyone enough time to worry about his availability. After the 25-year-old striker trained individually on Wednesday, he showed...

Nils Petersen didn't give anyone enough time to worry about his availability. After the 25-year-old striker trained individually on Wednesday, he showed he can score just as good as ever in the Thursday morning training - and that in team training.

"I talked briefly to Nils after training. He said he didn't feel any pain," said head coach Robin Dutt at the Thursday press conference. That means it's all but certain that Petersen will be on the roster on Saturday against Bayer Leverkusen as long as he doesn't have any injury problems. 

Dutt gave a roster guarantee for another player, saying Sebastian Prödl, who last played on the 10th match day, would be in the squad against Leverkusen. The coach would not say if Prödl would start the match or take his spot on the bench. "Sebastian Prödl trained the entire week without any problems. Of course he still feels the burden after training, but he will definitely be there on Saturday," said Dutt.


Things are still uncertain with Aaron Hunt. He will test his muscular problems on Friday to see if he will be available on Saturday. For the midfielder, who is currently out with a calf issue, the decision will be made in the last minute.

One player who has really shined on offence this season is leftback Santiago Garcia. The Argentinean was happy about a well-known spectator at training on Thursday. His twin brother, Manuel Garcia, himself a goalkeeper in the Argentinean first division, is currently visiting Santiago in Bremen. Manuel was already in the Werder fan block in the away match last Friday in Berlin, and he followed attentively the on-goings in training on Thursday. He didn't just observe the goalkeeper training with Raphael Wolf, Sebastian Miele and Co. but also was keeping track of his brother while drinking a tea.

Manuel once again will make his way to the stadium on Saturday, hanging out with his new buddies in the East Curve and screaming on his brother and the team to a victory.

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