“I’m proud to have worn the Werder badge”

Jiri Pavlenka’s farewell interview

Jiri Pavlenka sitting on a chair in a grey t-shirt.
Jiri Pavlenka played 221 competitive games for SV Werder (Photo: W.DE).
First Team
Tuesday, 28.05.2024 / 16:00

It was an emotional final matchday, with several Werder players and staff saying goodbye to the club. Jiri Pavlenka was among them. The goalkeeper is leaving after seven years in Bremen. The crowd greeted our long-time number 1 in song during the warm-up. The Czech has now spoken to WERDER.DE about his emotional farewell, a difficult final season and his plans for the future.

WERDER.DE: Hi, Pavlas. We’re here for your final interview as a Werder player. How are you at the moment?

Jiri Pavlenka: I’m well. I’m a bit tired, because we’ve been packing and preparing to move out over the last few days. That wasn’t easy with two kids, but my wife and I managed it. For us as a family, it’s very sad to be leaving the club and the city after seven years.

WERDER.DE: What will you take away from your time here?

Jiri Pavlenka: I have to say there’ve been a lot of great moments. I’ve made a lot of friends here over time. My home is of course Czechia, but somehow it feels like home here too. Bremen has become that for us.

WERDER.DE: Your two kids were both born when you were at the club. Will Bremen always have a special place in your family’s story too?

Jiri Pavlenka: Yeah, of course. My son has just said goodbye to his friends at nursery. I have to admit I was nearly in tears too. We’re looking forward to going home as well though, and I’m personally looking forward to a new challenge.

WERDER.DE: You were given a resounding farewell by the fans in the stadium on the final day. What was going through your head then?

Jiri Pavlenka: I had mixed feelings. It was already difficult during the warm-up. I nearly cried when the fans were singing my name. Of course I’d like to have been in the team, but sadly that didn’t happen. I still enjoyed the game though. I have to thank the fans for their unbelievable support over the full seven years. I’m proud to have worn the Werder badge.

WERDER.DE: It hasn’t been easy for you this season. This was set to be one of the most important of your career, because you wanted to earn a spot on the plane to the EUROs. Then, you lost your place in goal to Michael Zetterer. How tough was that for you?

Jiri Pavlenka: That was obviously very difficult, initially because of the injury that meant I couldn’t train or play for six weeks. Then, the coach decided that Zetti would keep his place in goal. I knew that I probably wouldn’t be going to the EUROs. But that’s sometimes the way of things in football. Looking at it another way, I get a longer holiday because I’m not with the national team (laughs). Life goes on. For me, family is always the most important thing.

I have to thank the fans for their unbelievable support over the full seven years.
Jiri Pavlenka

WERDER.DE: When Werder were relegated to the 2. Bundesliga, you had the chance to leave the club. However, you decided to stay and help right that wrong. Could you sense that people were appreciative of that?

Jiri Pavlenka: Yeah, definitely. A lot of people thanked me personally for agreeing to stay in the 2. Bundesliga. I could have moved somewhere else, but I didn’t want to fight against the club and tell them that I definitely wanted to leave. The season wasn’t easy, but we achieved our aim together. Now, Werder are back in the Bundesliga and maybe have different aims than just survival.

WERDER.DE: Have there been things over the years that you would change?

Jiri Pavlenka: It was a real shame that we didn’t get into Europe in my second season here. Normally, the 53 points we got would have been enough for that. I wanted to achieve something really big with Werder and we almost managed it then. It was the same with the two Pokal semi-finals against Bayern and Leipzig, which were both really close.

WERDER.DE: On the other hand, have there also been particular highlights?

Jiri Pavlenka: Yeah, there’ve been a lot of moments, like promotion and the Pokal game in Dortmund. My first season when I came to Bremen was also special.

WERDER.DE: You’ve met a lot of teammates during your time here. Who in particular have you got on with well?

Jiri Pavlenka: I can’t give you just one name. I’ll not just miss all the players but also all the staff. The moment when I realise just how great this period of my life was will come soon.

WERDER.DE: You said that you are going back to Czechia with your family for now. What are your plans for the future?

Jiri Pavlenka: From 1st June, I’ll be unemployed and have to search for a new job (smiles). We’ll have a break as a family first though. I’ve already had contact with one or two other clubs as well. I’ll probably stay at home in Czechia just for a holiday and then go off somewhere else again.

WERDER.DE: Pavlas, it’s been great to spend seven years with you. We wish you the best of luck for the future!

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