“We took the game on from the very first minute”

Reaction after the 2-0 home win against Augsburg

Jung on the ball.
The Green-Whites were pleased to get a win that gives them some breathing room (photo: WERDER.DE).
First Team
Saturday, 09.12.2023 / 19:00

After four winless games in a row, SV Werder Bremen added another three points to their tally after a deserved win against FC Augsburg. The overwhelming emotions for those in green and white after the game were happiness as well as some relief, with Marvin Ducksch going as far as to say it was a perfect day. WERDER.DE has all the immediate reaction.

Ole Werner: "The deciding factor was that we defended well. It was clear for us that this game especially would be about how we went into challenges, which the team did really well. This just gave us a bit of security, also for how we play in possession. We did that even better in the second half than in the first. This meant that we didn’t allow Augsburg to build much from second balls. So, we are very pleased.”

Marvin Ducksch: "We prepare week after week in order to put in a good performance. We gave everything from minute one until the 95th minute, everyone was there for one another. You could see the body language from every single player, everyone kept pushing. We tried to carry the fans with us, which also worked really well. As a result, we can talk about it being a very good day today.”

Niklas Stark: "We knew about Augsburg’s strengths today. They have this ability to fight, go for second balls, are difficult to play against and play lots of long balls. They are really good at this. We set up for that and wanted to hold up against it, win tackles and eliminate Augsburg’s strengths so that we could play our way. That worked really well today. We didn’t allow too many chances.”

Anthony Jung: "We had a lot of concentration and were very focussed. You could see that we took the game on from the very first minute. We knew what we were up against. We worked against it using the basics, with a certain strength and bite in challenges and we then tried to implement our style of play on the pitch.”

Mitchell Weiser: "It is nice to have won once again. We started the game absolutely fine and found good solutions, but then let the way they play affect us a little bit. We then made a couple of technical errors, but then scored a set-piece goal in the period where it was a bit more complicated. That’s what set pieces are there for. We didn’t go into half time with an underserved lead. We did really well in the second half.”

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