“I never give up on a ball”

Interview with new signing Julián Malatini

Julian Malatini sat down for an interview.
Julian Malatani is looking forward to his new challenge at SVW (photo: W.DE).
First Team
Tuesday, 16.01.2024 / 17:50

It’s official! Julián Malatini has joined SV Werder Bremen from Argentinean first-division side Defensa y Justica. WERDER.DE accompanied the 22-year-old on his first day in Bremen and interviewed the centre-back straight away upon his arrival. Malatini spoke fondly about taking the next step in his career, his strengths on the pitch, and the targets he wants to achieve as a Green-White.

WERDER.DE: Moin Julián. First of all, a very warm welcome to Bremen. So, you’ve decided to take the next step in your career with Werder.

Julián Malatini: Thank you for the kind reception. It’s only my first day here and I already feel totally at ease. It wasn’t as simple for me when I first joined Talleres [Ed. Note: Malatini was initially sent out on loan to Defensa from Talleres], and I feel as though I earned this move to Werder after having a good year at Defensa y Justica.

WERDER.DE: Werder Bremen will not only be the first club you’ve played for in Europe, but also your first outside of Argentina. How difficult have you found it to step out your comfort zone and move to Germany?

Julián Malatini: Every Argentinian dreams of playing in Europe one day. Now I’ve been given this opportunity, and I’ll do my best to make the most of it. I’m prepared to take the next step in my career.

WERDER.DE: Everything moves very quickly here in Bremen. You get a quick look at the stadium, sign your contract, and then get interviewed. Explain to us how you’ve found your first few hours in Bremen.

Julián Malatini: To be honest, everything does move very fast. I received such a warm welcome. I want to thank my interpreter Nelson, who has supported me from the outset. I feel very happy here.

WERDER.DE: Your main position is centre-back. Can you tell us a bit about your style of play and give us an understanding of what kind of defender you are?

Julián Malatini: I can say that I’m a very quiet person. However, on the pitch I’m totally different and play with a lot of aggression. I never give up on a ball.

WERDER.DE: In the history of the game, many South Americans have made a name for themselves by playing football in Europe. Who are your role models with regards to this?

Julián Malatini: At the moment, Cristian Romero [Tottenham Hotspur] is my biggest inspiration. I hope I can follow in his footsteps.

WERDER.DE: Let’s move from South America to Europe. Can you tell us how football in Argentina differs to football in Germany?

Julián Malatini: I think that football in Germany is much more tactical. Yes, tactics also play an important role in South America, but not as much as they do here. It’s a lot more intense, too.

Above all, I want to earn as much game time as possible.
Julián Malatini

WERDER.DE: Now let’s talk about you as a person. What do you enjoy doing off the pitch?

Julián Malatini: As I said earlier, I’m very laid back, and, according to some, a very nice person (smirks). I like to spend time with my family, though.

WERDER.DE: What are the next steps for you here in Bremen and what sporting goals have you set yourself?

Julián Malatini: Above all, I want to earn as much game time as possible. As a team, it goes without saying that we want to stay in the Bundesliga. In the long-term, I want to continue improving. I’m itching to make my debut here.

WERDER.DE: We’re itching for it too. Thanks for speaking with us, Julián!

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