“I’m on the right path”

Felix Agu on his rehabilitation

Felix Agu arrives at the stadium.
Felix Agu is back and raring to get going (photo: WERDER.DE).
First Team
Thursday, 06.07.2023 / 10:01

Felix Agu is on a long road to recovery. His most recent game for Werder Bremen came eight months ago – a 1-0 victory over Hertha BSC at the wohninvest WESERSTADION on 28th October 2022. The 23-year-old is working on his comeback and while he hasn’t set and time frame on his return, Agu has taken a positive and optimistic approach. “It was the right decision to undergo surgery,” said Agu on his course of treatment to the patella tendon injury. “It feels better.”

A lengthy spell out of the game is not easy for any footballer and the desire to be back is great. “I’m just pleased to be able to play without pain,” said Agu on his good mood at the performance tests at the beginning of pre-season. “I’ve been playing with problems for a while and I wasn’t at 100%. I’ve been thinking about my knee much more than football for a long time.”

Working hard to be ready for the return

Agu is a step behind his teammates at the moment and it’s a long process to get back to training with the rest of the team. “I’m on the right path. The tests looked good and like I’m going to plan and can hopefully be back out on the pitch soon,” said Agu. Even though there is no return date marked in the diary, the full back is working hard to be ready for when the day comes. Head coach Ole Werner stated on Wednesday afternoon that it would be difficult to set a time frame.

Agu spent a week in Barcelona with teammates Milos Veljkovic, Manuel Mbom and Eduardo dos Santos Haesler during the summer break, spending time before and after the trip working on his rehabilitation in Munich. Agu said the change of scenery did him good. “I was doing my rehabilitation in Bremen from November until the end of May, so it was really nice to see some different surroundings and free my head. Now the hunger is back to work hard here.”

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