“It would be frustrating not to be there on the day when everything works out”

Ole Werner spoke at the press conference ahead of #SVWFCB

Head coach Ole Werner on the training pitch.
Head coach Ole Werner explained how SVW will look to pick up points against Bayern (Photo: W.DE).
First Team
Thursday, 04.05.2023 / 14:26

At the press conference ahead of the home match against FC Bayern Munich on Saturday evening (06/05, 18:30 CEST), head coach Ole Werner politely accepted the birthday wishes from the media representatives. Afterwards, the 35-year-old looked ahead to the upcoming match against the league leaders.

It will take a special evening of football at the wohninvest WESERSTADION to bring home points against Bayern. “We have to focus on doing everything we can to get our chances,” he said. “That also includes having a bit of luck on our side. In the games where Bayern have dropped points, being clinical made the difference.”

The side from Munich will need a win away from home to remain at the top of the Bundesliga table. In the run-up to the match, it isn’t easy to prepare against the team from the south, who have been somewhat faltering recently. “For us, it comes down to the fundamentals of football: compactness, strong challenges and each player supporting the other,” explained Ole Werner. “If you do that 100 percent, you can still have the answers to an opponent of this quality, and then you need to be tough mentally.”

The record against the Bavarians is bleak in the recent past. The Green-Whites have come away from the last 13 home games empty-handed. Nevertheless, Werder’s head coach believes that it is a worthwhile trip to the stadium. “One reason why football is so popular is because there are always stories like this, and it would be frustrating not to be in the stadium on the day when it all works it,” said the 35-year-old. “Of course, not many will be betting on Werder Bremen as a promoted side against the record champions Bayern Munich, but with a good team performance we can get into the position where it goes our way with a bit of luck. We have to be ruthless and find our opportunities.”

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