"I won’t forget this my whole life.”

Claudio Pizarro on his testimonial in front of the Werder fans

Claudio Pizarro claps the fans
His last game was very emotional for Claudio Pizarro (Photo: norphoto).
Adios Piza
Sunday, 25.09.2022 / 09:39

In the end even Piza himself was speechless. The 43-year-old took a deep breath, a tear in his eyes, “That was very emotional, I really didn’t expect this,” said Claudio Pizarro a few minutes after his testimonial when speaking to WERDER.TV.

His fellow players clapped and the fans applauded as the Peruvian striker was substituted shortly before the end of the match. It was a departure “that Piza had absolutely earned” emphasised honourary captain Marco Bode. “I think that it was the perfect finale for me,” said Pizarro, who seemed surprised and a bit caught off guard by the emotion of the evening. “I wanted to have fun with my friends and just enjoy being with the people. What ended up happening will go straight to the heart. I won’t forget this my whole life.”

The Bundesliga legend won six league titles and cups during his career, including a Champions League win and spells at lots of big clubs, among them four spells at SV Werder. “I am very proud and obviously very thankful that a lot of my friends were able to stand on the pitch with me once more. It was a huge honour for me, and I enjoyed it enormously.”

Pizarro was particularly emotional because of the 40,500 fans at the wohninvest WESERSTADION, who ensured there was a perfect atmosphere. “This day will stay in my heart forever. I always like coming back to Bremen. I want to thank all the fans, the city, the team and Werder Bremen.”

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