“A transfer always involves teamwork”

Johannes Jahns started his new role at Werder in June

Johannes Jahns sitting on the stairs in the Ostkurve.
Johannes Jahns worked at RB Salzburg for over ten years (Photo: W.DE).
First Team
Friday, 16.06.2023 / 15:00

Johannes Jahns was born and raised in Bremen, regularly standing in the Ostkurve as a fan. He only made his way into professional football, however, on a journey that took him via Berlin, the Ruhr region and Salzburg, and then back to Bremen. The reasons for his return were Werder and Bremen. In June 2023, the city has shown its most beautiful side, and Jahns couldn’t remember continuous sunshine like this in early summer, but the 41-year-old doesn’t have much time to enjoy the Bremen summer. Werder’s new head of scouting, squad planning and transfers/head of recruiting has an intense first few days of work behind him and likewise ahead of him.

After a two-day workshop in Hamburg to mark the start of his new job, Jahns welcomed an old acquaintance on his first day in the office at the wohninvest WESERSTADION: Naby Keïta. In the various positions Jahns has held at RB Salzburg over the past ten years, the midfielder is one player in a portfolio of talented footballers who have moved to Salzburg that he has played a part in. When SVW signed Keïta from Liverpool FC, the connection with the new squad planner was obvious to many. “Basically, a transfer always involves teamwork,” explained Jahns in an interview with WERDER TV. “Frank, Clemens and also the head coach were all very involved in the discussions. The scouting department is also involved, with many people working together on a signing.”

Jahns did not enter the industry through his own playing career, but through his studies. He wrote his master’s thesis on global transfers in professional football. He then put the project into practice in Salzburg, where he gained experience as a sports coordinator. When Naby Keïta was signed, Jahns got a perspective on how the process of a transfer works at SV Werder. “I got a positive impression of the strength the club can develop and how effective we can be,” he said.

Open and direct communication with Baumann & Fritz

His contact with Werder management has been built up over the past few years. He has been in communication with Frank Baumann for a long time, and the exchange with Clemens Fritz also gave him a good feeling.

“I can talk very openly and directly with both of them,” explained Jahns. “The talks have been incredibly good and constructive. What’s important is that the three of us do everything in the interests of the club and are eager to take Werder Bremen forward. Everyone has their own priorities and then decisions are made together.”

So far, he has experienced a very fast-paced start to his role. Many things happen at short notice while the transfer window is open. Until deadline day, Bundesliga clubs can change their squads with additions and departures. “My work is also designed for the long term beyond that,” said Jahns. “It will be important to me that by 1st September we have the feeling that we have done everything within our means to have a team that we are confident can have a good Bundesliga season and with which we can imagine something good developing.” After that, he will have more time to spend in his home city, presumably then in the accustomed North German bad weather.


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