Build on the positive result in Wolfsburg

Interview with Christian Groß on Wednesday

Christian Groß at the press conference.
Christian Groß and the team are excited for the first home game of the season (Photo: W.DE).
First Team
Wednesday, 10.08.2022 / 16:47

Christian Groß spoke to us on Wednesday ahead of Saturday’s game against VfB Stuttgart at 15:30 CEST. He discussed how much the Bundesliga means to him and his role in the team. SVW have already started to focus on the game, though Groß doesn’t want to concentrate too much on the opponents: “I think we’ve got similar levels of quality. I’m always a fan of focusing on ourselves,” said the 33-year-old.

Christian Groß is pleased to be playing at 15:30 again and explained that playing in the Bundesliga is always special for him. Both him and the whole team are looking forward to every game right now and are enjoying the chances to test themselves against the best in the country. “We can wait for the next home game with the Ultras back in the stadium and our fans all there behind us,” said our number 36.

The defender was pleased with the start to the season after drawing 2-2 in Wolfsburg and wants to build on that positive result. “This momentum can help the team in the near future. We want to use it to win the game against Stuttgart.”

Groß believes Werder are in a better position than they were at this time two seasons ago in the Bundesliga because the squad is already in place. “I think we’re a lot more settled and everyone knows what they’re doing. We’ve experienced a lot together and have been playing together for over a year,” commented Groß. The long-serving Werder man also mentioned how important competition for places is within the squad, citing it as one of the reasons for the club’s success last season. Groß feels that he can be helpful for the younger players in the dressing room. “The older players always told me ‘time goes really quickly, watch out’. Now I know what they meant and I try to pass that knowledge down to them,” he said.


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