Police order: Werder play Enschede behind closed doors

Oliver Burke congratulates Mitch Weiser on his goal in the friendly
Mitchell Weiser scored in the 79th minute to level the match 2-2 (Photo: WERDER.DE).
First Team
Saturday, 16.07.2022 / 15:30

Werder Bremen played a friendly against Dutch top-flight side FC Twente Enschede on Saturday afternoon. The match took place away from the public eye on an FC Twente training pitch and ended 3-3. Werder’s goals in the 2x60-minute match were scored by Marvin Duksch, Mitchell Weiser and Niklas Schmidt.

“I’m definitely not a fan of playing friendlies behind closed doors like this, but in this case our hands were tied. We were told along with Twente by the police in Hengelo about the restriction that we couldn’t send out communications about the game before kick-off,” explains Clemens Fritz, head of first-team football and scouting. After the stadia in Lohne and Lotte were ruled out as venues due to the authorities’ restrictions, Werder tried to find a new public venue. “All stadia which were reachable within reason for both teams were either closed or in use, so this was the only solution for us,” says Fritz.

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